Get your FREE STARTERKIT: 300+ Digital Products Ideas & Content, a Proven Method and so Much More to Kick Off Your Digital Products Business

Hey, nice to e-meet you! :)

I am Martina, I have more than 15 years marketing experience, I am a proud mom and wife. 

I have consulted hundreds of global and local clients for more than 10 years, ran campaigns in several languages from few $$ to 7 digits, prepared annual strategies, shared digital innovations, built successful teams, but I got to a point that I had to think and stop.

May 2023, after doing the job of 6 people, being close to a burnout, being everywhere all the time, I was told that i was not needed anymore.

I immediately felt disheartened. Then I decided to react.

There is a mission behind what I do. 

I help individuals with an entrepreneurial and digital mindset go from having low knowledge about how to set up the foundation of a digital products business (high & low-ticket products), lack of clear step-by-step guidance and marketing strategy, tech overwhelm and information overload to master the methodology, strategies and steps to take in the setup, building, activation and scale process so that they can have a profitable digital products business, remove frictions, grow an independent income and focus the energies on the growing business.

And most importantly gaining back the valuable time with their loved ones.

Now I love what I do and what I teach and I have more time for myself.

I want you to reach this peaceful state of mind as well. I'm giving you some useful ideas in this FREE guide below!

You will get:

  • A Proven Method
  • 40-Min FREE Training to help you set up your Digital Products Business from scratch with NO website
  • 100+ Digital Products Ideas across 11 Niches
  • 100 ChatGPT Social Media Content Ideas for Digital Products
  • 100 ChatGPT Instagram & Pinterest Captions about Digital Products
  • And many more precious resources

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